Hey John,
There's only two things in the world I'll admit to being terrifeid of - that's wasps and werewolves!!m Despite that, AAWIL is just soo totally excellent it's one of my fav fils like - ever. It's got enough humour in it to take the edge off of it, but there are scenes in it that I can picture as viidly today as when I first saw it. The transformation was petrifyingly convincing, the dream sequence as you say...OMG!! and what about the subway chase, it still flitters through my mind everytime I get to the escalators!! lol
In fact, I need to go get me a copy of that film, it's way way too long since I last looked at it.
Did you go look at the quiz! I got it up there eventually, sorry it took so long, but I got all my tickets to see the boys and the photoshoots for Asylum!!! Now I'm just so darn excited, I'm losing what little sanity I have left!!! and I just don't care!
Hey Jane, yeah wasps aren't good! I remember being stung by one some years back, eviiiil
The only other film that ramps up as much tension to that of AAWIL is a gem of a film called 'REC', its a spanish horror and one NOT to be missed, hell im a 36 year old hardened horror fan and this had my knees knocking!! Check out reviews!
Or, if you dont fancy reading subtitles, which there arent that many of once the film gets going there's always the American remake called Quarantine, check that out also. Both films work extremely well and both are filled with dread.
Well, im not going to say anymore otherwise I'll spoil it for viewers but lets just say if you enoyed 28 days/weeks later your going to enjoy this!!