Okay Ive decided to post this in the Huntergirls Forum as I decided it may give you all alittle giggle, so im watching Nip Tucks new season tonight and to my surprise on walks Mischa, now I dont know if anyone follows this excellent show but its fast becoming one of my favourite things to watch, anyhow at the start of each episode the two surgeons (Shaun and Christian) starts by saying "Tell Me What You Dont Like About Yourself" then the patient says what they dont like, thus giving the premise of the episode, so MIscha is sat in the patients chair, he replies by saying he doesnt like his Penis, straight away Shaun and Christian assume he means its to small, he then goes on to explain that its actually to big and because its so big he has become addicted to giving himself oral pleasure, to stop this he asks Shaun and Christian to remove 3 Inches to stop him performing on himself as he cant stop, I couldnt believe my ears, Naughty Castiel!!! Anyhow I highly recommend the episode for all you girls to have a giggle, a particulaly funny scene before surgery when the female assistants all take pictures next to "it".
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